Bianca started her homework early so she could have the weekend free. Little did she know that Alice had planned for them to clean the lot up. Alice had been worrying about the social workers promised home inspection and decided they really needed to buckle down and make the place presentable. So they spent that weekend cleaning up the lot.
Daisy had to go to work that afternoon, she was a tad dirty but she was feeling pumped from all the progress they had made.
After work Daisy helped teach Elsie how to talk while Alice worked with Charlie.
That night Alice was feeling her father's presence very strongly. She quickly dismissed her feelings and chalked it up to having been working so near his grave with all the bramble pulling.

Alice: workout (pull brambles), teach Charlie to talk,
Bianca: workout (pull brambles)
Daisy: workout (pull brambles)teach Elsie to talk
Cash: 323 Lot value 4771
Sunday was more of the same. Alice allowed Bianca to go down to the graveyard to fish. Daisy finished up the bramble pulling while Alice tended the garden. The lot was really starting to shape up.
That afternoon more time was spent teaching the toddlers.
Alice went to bed early. While she was asleep Daisy snuck the money out of her coffee can and had a couple of guys do a quick install of a shower. They had to move the sink outside of the small bathroom but they managed to get it done without waking Alice.
Daisy then tried to work on her homework that she had neglected all weekend. It got too late and she was tired so she went to bed before it was finished.

Finally a shower at last. The lot was clean, Charlie was going to start school soon. Bianca was making B's and Daisy was still maintaining a C. Things are really starting to come together. Alice should have known that Murphy was lurking around the corner.

Alice; potty train Charlie, tend garden, teach Charlie to walk
Daisy; workout (pull brambles), potty train Elsie
Bianca; Fish at the graveyard.
Cash 115
lot value $5133
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