Alice had a bad nights sleep which might be why she accidently let slip the surprise birthday party the office had been planning for the boss. Now the whole office is peeved at her. She was so exhausted that almost as soon as she got home she passed out on the lawn.

Both Bianca and Daisy slept in class that day.
Charlie however did good and was asked to earn extra credit by staying and helping tend to the bugs after class. After that he played on the playground until after dark.
Between Alice, Bianca and Daisy they had barely enough money to finish building the walls and putting the doors in a tiny room for Bianca. Her grades were dropping horribly and waking up every time a baby cried was doing her no good.
For Frank's birthday Alice bought him a cute stuffed tiger.

Alice, call babysitter, change Elsie, feed Frank
Bianca, Snuggle Frank, sleep
Charlie, sleep (he was still at the playground at curfew)
Daisy, Tickle Frank, Put Elsie down (so she could potty)
cash 14, lot 6400
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