Friday, April 2, 2010

Bianca is a Picky Child

Alice was soon to find out that Bianca was alot easier to take care of as a toddler. She very quickly started complaining about the openess of the bathroom. Even to the point of peeing on herself because she refused to use the toilet while others were present. Alice promised to build walls as soon as she could but suggested that Bianca use the toilet anyway. Alice sighed as she thought about the shower that will now be put on hold once more. That day Alice was able to build the walls. She didnt have enough money to paint them but at least they were up.

That morning started with Alice going down to the gym to shower. The girls followed her example as soon as she was back to watch the babies.

Charlie spent hours upon hours playing with a toy horse. Alice was not sure exactly where it came from but it kept him happy. When he wasnt playing with the horse he was playing with the peg toys.

Daisy had a very stressful day at school. She spent most of the day working on the homework she didnt complete the night before. She went strait to work from school. She did manage to find a small light for the lawn that she purchased with the money from her first check, but it wasnt really bright enough to dispel the darkness, she needed to buy either a brighter light or more of them.

Alice found Bianca napping on one of the benches outside. She decided to put off the much wanted shower yet again to save up and buy Bianca a real bed. It turns out along with her pickiness over the bathroom walls Bianca refused to sleep in the tent if anyone else was in there.

Simmers Notes
Alice: take shower at gym, potty train Charlie, Tell Bianca to do homework
Bianca: take shower at gym,
Daisy: take shower at gym,
End of day cash 17, lot value 4619

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