Alice called the baby sitting service so she could go to work and reminded Daisy to come strait home from school since she didn't have to work that night.
Alice was glad to see Tyler Ruiz show up. He had taken good care of the kids before and they seemed to like him. Just as Alice was leaving the mailman arrived with a stack of bills. At least this time he put them in the mail box rather than throwing them on the ground.

Some Co-workers of Alice's logged onto her computer while she was away and sent out a mass email with an embarrassing image on it. Now everyone laughs under their breath when they see her.
Daisy was not doing so well at school. She fell asleep in class. The principal called her in to talk about her slipping grades. He agreed that if she stayed after school and helped fix the school's boiler, that the school would not only pay her but he would see that she got credit on her grades for it. Daisy agreed to it and called Tyler to let him know she would be late getting home.
While Alice was at work the social worker showed up. She didnt stay or even look around when she found that Alice was not at home. She did however tell Tyler to inform Alice she would be back later that day.
Meanwhile Bianca found out that if she got on the honor roll and maintained her grades there she would receive a cash award. She was very excited about it until she found out that it does not apply to secondary school students which she will be starting before the award is handed out. She did come home with an A but was really too tired to brag about it.

Charlies birthday was that day. For his birthday they scraped together enough money for a bed and a football. Alice planned to sell his crib and buy a grill.

As they were winding they day down, the social worker showed up. "Great," Alice thought, "a great way to end an already Murphy-ed up day."

Simmer Notes
Alice; call babysitter, teach charlie to walk
Daisy; fix boiler, teach charlie to walk
Bianca: none
Charlie peg level 3, music level 3, potty trained, learned to talk, Charlie did not learn to walk so trait was random Charlie is Neat.
Cash on hand 11
Lot value 5412
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