The social worker dropped Elsie off about lunch time. Daisy was at school which the social worker seemed to approve of. The social worker told Alice that Elsie had lost weight while in the hospital but seemed to be gaining on her own now. "You will need to make sure she continues to gain weight, it would be a good idea to weigh her regularly." The social workers face soften as she looked down at the tiny girl. "Good luck, Ms Bindiver" the woman said, as she turned to head back to the car. "I am really over-burdened right now and do not have time for a home inspection. I will come back at some later point for it, but don't worry I will call first."

The thought almost panicked Alice. A home inspection? Alice vowed to get back to work on the brambles, but for now she had babies to take care of. She had to finish up Bianca's training to make sure she was ready for school and.... and... Alice pushed the thoughts aside as the new arrival started squalling.
Alice looked down at the tiny infant. Elsie was so much smaller than either of the other newborns had been. Her little arms and legs had hardly any meat on them. "well first things first, little one. We are going to have to fatten you up."

Meanwhile Daisy was given the opportunity to do a research project on the local science facility. She agreed to the assignment and did so immediately after school.

Since Daisy was late getting home, Bianca's birthday present was not presented to her until late in the day. Bianca now a child received a toy box for her birthday. In a generous mood to welcome the newest arrival Bianca in turn gave her teddy to Elsie.

Simmer Notes
Alice; take shower, teach Bianca to talk, tend tree
Daisy: Research facility, teach Bianca to walk
Bianca aging up notes: Peg box level 3, Music level 1, potty trained, learned to talk, She did not learn to walk so was not given a choice of traits. New trait; Can't Stand Art.
Elsie: Clumsy, genius, likes Chinese music, sushi and lime green.
End of day cash $202, lot value 4124.
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