Daisy was paid a whopping 300 for helping to fix the boiler and the teacher overlooked her sleeping in class that day.
Bianca broke the sink that morning while washing the dishes. Daisy repaired it that evening after she got home from school.
Alice tended the garden that day, and bought Bianca a new boom box for her birthday. As Alice was contemplating her growing charge she felt her biological clock ticking. She was well into middle age and for the first time in her life she actually WANTED a baby. While she knew even though it was not official that Frank was here to stay she still wanted another baby. She decided that she was meant to be a mother. As difficult as it had been Alice decided she loved all the kids and all the chaos. She just wished she had been able to provide a little more in the way of housing. From this point on all her extra money would go into building a house. As soon as Elsie was old enough to move to a big kid bed she would call the social worker for yet another charge to be added to her flock.
Bianca got a job at the Day Spa as a Beverage Specialist.

Alice, potty train Elsie, tend garden, potty train Elsie
Daisy, repair sink, teach Elsie to talk
Bianca, I was allowed to choose Bianca's trait I decided to make it Angler as she seemed to enjoy fishing so much and was always spinning wants up to do with fish. Get Job
Charlie; none
Cash 84
Lot 5619
Daisy's school performance was still kind of shoddy so her teacher asked her to read "Demand Excellence or You Will Get Mediocrity."
Bianca made hotdogs for supper that night. No one had the heart to tell her just how horrifying they really were.

As they were ending the day everyone was in a horrible mood so I used the leftover actions to help them do stuff they should have already been doing.
Alice, Potty Train Elsie, teach Elsie to talk, eat hotdogs
Bianca stop sleeping, cook hotdogs
Charlie; ask for homework help
Daisy snuggle frank, shower, goto bed
Cash 70 Lot value 6039
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