After tending to Bianca, Alice spent the morning painting the crib. She had enough paint left over she painted the benches, table and dresser also. While waiting for the paint to dry she passed the time hand-sewing a new canopy and sheets for the crib.

That afternoon she went to the gym for a much needed toilet break and bath. She asked one of the men working out to keep an eye on Bianca while she took a bath. He was fine until the baby started crying. He freaked out, but refused to pick her up. All she wanted was a little comforting.

After the gym they went to the park. There was a neighborhood grill-a-thon in progress. Alice ate her fill of hot dogs. She declined to participate in the cooking event itself but enjoyed the food and the people watching. She watched a young boy give his father a hug then chatted with his father like they were best friends.

She thought back to her youth and the horrible time she had, with her father yelling at her all the time.

What a contrast to the scene before her. She quitely ate her hotdog while listening to the conversation between the boy and his dad. She felt a determination rise up in her that she would be the best mother ever to Bianca. Maybe life isn's so bad after all. Maybe just maybe she could do this.

Simmers Notes:
Actions: workout (painting furniture & sewing), Goto with... gym, goto with... park I will admit I almost chose not to give her that last action to go to the park because it would use up all my actions for the day and I was afraid the baby would get lost in the shuffle. Alice did wonderfully and did not loose the baby :D.
Cash on Hand $53
Lot value $3421
On a side note, Alice is a mature adult now. Seeing as she only has four traits it seems that a mid-life crisis might allow her to discover that hidden fifth trait so that she might realize her true potential. Suggestions are appreciated.
My guess would be Family Oriented, especially since her goal is to have a close, loving family.