Meet Alice Bin Diver

Alice currently lives in a bramble filled lot. This was at one time a park but the caretakers have long since forgotten about it. This lot has been her home for most of her life. As long as she can remember actually. She remembers nothing of her toddler years and does not remember her mother at all and knows nothing about her mother. Her father, Kev, was an insane, mean spirited man, who recently passed away. She knows nothing of his past, where he was from, or how they ended up here in the first place. These questions and more poured through her mind in the days following her father's death.

Alice will mature into a full adult in four days. Her traits are unlucky, loser, good, and clumsy. (Yes she only has four traits.) She likes Latin music, cheese steak sandwiches and the color violet. She has $84 in her pocket. Unbeknownst to her the lot she lives on is valued at $3098. In her possession she has her childhood teddy, Where's Bella a book also from her childhood and two other books she has managed to latch onto.
On the lot where she lives is a pond. There are fish in the pond but she has never learned to fish. There are two benches there. Her father and her often slept on those benches. There is a small wooden table but no chairs for it. There is also a mailbox and a trashcan. She did not have enough money to bury her father in the cemetery so she buried him on the lot where she lived. There does not seem to be any laws against private burial plots in this town. She did scrape together enough money for a simple tombstone. But her prize possession is an old wooden dresser someone dumped on the lot.

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