After her morning of fishing she went to the market to sell her days catch. When she arrived back home she decided to catch a little nap on the bench, she had so long called her bed. That was when she was noticed by a policewoman who happened to be driving by.
While the officer was kind enough to her she was still arrested for vagrancy. Why this had never happened before was a mystery.

She was embarrassed and humiliated by the experience, but while in jail a young court appointed attorney was assigned to her case. After talking at length the attorney advised her to plead not guilty. He told her that she had established a residence at the lot. Her stay there had been long enough that "Squatter's Rights" were in effect. He advised her to have the place cleaned up before her court date. This meant removing all the brambles and debris from the lot. If she was willing to put in the time and energy to clean the place up and present the pictures of before and after to the judge, then the charges should be dismissed. Even if she couldn't get it completely clean if she made significant progress then an extension might be granted. He also mentioned that the gym had shower facilities available for use. While technically they were for member use only, no one would say anything if she were to use them occasionally.

A nice hot shower without people thinking she was being inappropriate was a very nice feeling. Buoyed by the thoughts of actually being a landowner, of having something of her very own cheered her immensely and made all she had been through that day worth it. While she was thoroughly exhausted by her long trying day she couldn't sleep as plans and dreams filled her mind. She decided to fish for a while until she could hardly stay awake any longer. Tomorrow was looking bright indeed.

Simmers Note: This scenario involved quite a bit of behind the screens finagling to get the appropriate pictures but in general I will not give Alice more than three directives a day. I have will power set on high and we will see what happens from here on out.
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