This could NOT be happening AGAIN. No way... Finding one abandoned baby was rare enough in and of itself but finding TWO?? Maybe it was just a kitten, Alice hoped. She had read about kittens in one of her books but she had never seen one. She was not sure what happened to pets but they seem to have vanished. She always dreamed one would find its way to her, but she usually envisioned a dog instead of a cat. Her hopes for a kitten were quickly dashed as the boy let out another squall. She bent over and looked in the basket. All thoughts of taking him to child services and turning him in quickly went by the wayside as she gazed into his gorgeous eyes. No she would find a way to manage. She would keep this beautiful little boy and raise him to be a fine young man. Somehow.

Alice called her work and after talking to her supervisor was told she could take a while to "work from home" all she had to do was continue taking the meds and someone would be out once day to draw blood. Of course she would not be paid for weekends but Alice agreed it was fabulous pay for basically doing nothing. She had to sell all of her books in order to purchase a second crib. This was a new one, she couldn't find any used ones. From the money left over she bought a cheap used refrigerator. Her time away from the lot was going to be severely limited having two youngsters to care for now.
While Charlie slept Alice spent a good majority of the day working with Briana, trying to both potty train her and teach her to talk.
Saturday she spent most of the day tending to both of the kids trying to keep them both happy. Charlie was a very demanding youngster wanting to be snuggled all the time. Alice did manage to get a bit of cleaning done but was not able to do any bramble pulling that day. With all she did that day she failed to notice that the apples on the apple tree were ready to harvest, until she was ready to pass out from exhaustion. Maybe tomorrow.

She managed to get some sleep that night, but as she got out of bed she realized that today was NOT going to be a lucky day. The first unlucky day she had in quite some time, although the children seemed to be better synchronized and Alice was able to take care of some of her own needs. Alice was constantly tripping and fumbling, her clumsiness showing to anyone who was observing. She worried about dropping the babies but she managed not to. It was hard to believe that Charlie would be a toddler soon and Bianca would be going off to school. Alice realized that Bianca was really behind on her pre-schooling, she had spent so much time with Charlie that she had been neglecting getting Bianca ready for school. She spent the afternoon teaching Bianca such things as how to use the potty and how to speak properly. By that evening Bianca could use the potty on her own. It was a joyous occasion. As the day was winding down Alice was so exhausted she put the kids to bed without feeding them first. Charlie of course let her know just about the time Alice was drifting off to sleep.
Charlie; Good, heavy sleeper. Likes Eqyptian music, grilled salmon, and lime green.
Friday Actions: potty train Briana, teach Briana to talk, potty train Briana Cash 26, Lot value 4023.
Saturday Actions: I did not give Alice any commands this day because she needed to sleep, every time she got to sleep one of the babies would start crying. Cash 26 $4037
Sunday: Potty train Bianca, Trend Tree, Teach Bianca to talk. End of day cash 26 lot value $3935.
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