Alice gave Bianca her treasured childhood friend, her teddy. Bianca slept peacefully as Alice continued working on the brambles.

After Alice was too tired to work any more she very carefully lined up the camera so the crib would not show in the picture and took a picture for the courts. She just hoped it would show enough progress that the courts would allow her leniency to finish cleaning the place up.

Alice called her boss to explain that she needed some additional days off. To hire a baby sitter would cost 75 and since she was only making 90 a day it did not make sense to continue working while caring for a newborn. Her boss totally misunderstanding the situation replied all in one breath; "Uh, well Alicia, I uhm didn't even realize you were pregnant, you hardly gained any weight at all, but then I thought you looked too thin to begin with. Well congratulations, of course you can take the time off, but I am afraid we cannot pay you for today and tomorrow because you would have been off those days anyway. I am sorry I cannot budge on that matter. You will of course be paid for your normal workdays. Well good day and have fun with the new baby. See you back on Wednesday." Alice just stared at the phone for a bit as the dial tone rang through the lot. Listening to the tone she realized today was her birthday. Yet another birthday had passed without a cake or a party. About that time Bianca started crying again. Alice was feeling a tad bit overwhelmed emotionally and burst into tears. She trudged across the lot while wiping her tears.

By the time she had reached Bianca she had composed herself. She tended to the baby then gently tucked her back into her crib. She whispered, "It will be ok, sweetheart. We will make it. I will take good care of you."

Simmers notes: Actions; pay bills, workout (bramble pulling)
End of day
Cash on hand 65
Lot Value 3463
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