The next few days were pretty routine.
Early Monday morning a rather strange woman stopped by and bought the newly painted dresser. She paid $257.00, that with her maternity leave pay allowed Alice to build a tiny bit of wall and attach a toilet to it. No more peeing in the brambles. She ended up getting too much on herself doing that and she stunk until she had a chance to shower. While fishing, that evening, she pulled up a box in which she found a sleeping Gnome McNutly figure. She wondered why it was called sleeping when the figure was obviously standing up and waving. She set the figure out by the apple tree.
Between pulling brambles, tending to the baby and fishing she had little time for other pursuits but each night before she fell asleep she did manage to get in a little reading.
Tuesday was Bianca's birthday. Alice had also run out of food. She decided to throw a party for Bianca and invite a couple people. Alice ordered pizza and cleaned the trash out of the yard. Gage Briody showed up which was a surprise since she barely knew him from the gym. Molly French had stopped by the lot a few times recently and while not good friends they were developing a friendship. Zedadias did not show up. Alice was disappointed but not surprised. Gage and Alice chatted for a while. Gage was quite flattering to Alice, but he couldn't stick around long since he had to get to work. Molly seemed to be in a mood and left early. The party really turned out to be a flop, but at least Bianca did have a party. Alice had spent a little money on a new toy, a potty chair and some new clothes for Bianca.

Wednesday when that mornings mail came, the mailman threw the mail down on the ground and stomped on it. Alice could not figure what she had done to anger him and figures it was probably left over hostility towards her father. Alice was delighted to find a deed to the lot in the mail. Evidently the judge had granted her squatters rights. Alice was due to return to work that day. She couldnt see paying a babysitter 75 a day when she only made 90. Since she now had a legal address she decided to look in the paper to see if she could find a REAL job.

There wasnt much available, a test subject however was well paid and did not require any skills. And since it was for the good of the community, Alice signed up and got the job immediately. She then called the grocery store and quite her old job.
Later than evening she ate more of the pizza not realizing it had gone bad in the hot sun. She spent the evening throwing up and in general not feeling well. Bianca spent the evening throwing one tantrum after another. Alice was just too tired and too sick to care. She did feel a little guilty about it though.
Thursday dawned a little too early. She had barely enough time to ring a sitter up before heading off to work. Being a test subject was alot more stressful than she imagined it would be so she stopped at the gym on her way home from work for a shower and a cup of Chai tea. When she got home she learned that a man who called himself the REPOMAN came by and stole Bianca's toy. After the baby sitter left she tended the tree, ordered a new toy (this one a block toy) and then tended to Bianca and went to bed.

In the wee early hours of the morning Alice heard Bianca crying, but it sounded off. Bianca hadn't cried like that since she was a newborn. Alice got up in a hurry to find out what the problem was.
Simmers Notes:
Monday: actions; workout, tend garden, fish; cash $111, lot value 3406
Tuesday: actions; call for pizza delivery, recycle newspapers, invite people to party. Cash 57 lot value $3441
Wednesday: potty train Bianca, find job, potty train Bianca (I forgot to record values here I think cash was 86)
Thursday: Call babysitter, shower, tend tree. Cash $222, lot value 3410.